3-D Authoring Software Vendors

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Coryphaeus Software - Designs and market cost effective, commercial, off-the-shelf graphical software tools at the leading edge of 3D visual computing technologies.

Lightscape Visualization System - Represents a new generation of computer graphics technology combining proprietary radiosity algorithms with a physically based lighting interface.

MultiGen - Develops and markets the leading realtime 3D authoring software on the Silicon Graphics platform used to create, edit and view interactive scenes for simulation, entertainment and CAD visualization applications.

Paradigm - The leader in low cost, high performance real-time simulation. Our products and services allow you to dramatically increase the performance and quality of your simulation applications while reducing your development time and costs.

Portable Graphics - a source licensee of OpenGL® and the Open Inventor 3D Developer's Toolkit from Silicon Graphics (SGI). The company's product line consists of implementations of these products, as well as related software products for non-SGI workstations and PC platforms.

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