- Blue-Skies for Java is a Java Applet which interprets and displays "Interactive" Weather Maps, containing a weather image in which textual information on current conditions and forecasts is embedded.
Buckminster's Pizza Dome
- The Nowhere Band members rehearse late and live on pizza. Tired of pre-arranged pizza, the band wants to be able to put their pepperoni where they want.
Chilly's Applets
Dimension X Java
EarthWeb Java
- EarthWeb serves Gamelan, the Java Registry, with Sun. Visit our site to see our latest Java creations!
Fractal Java Generator
- Explore the Mandelbrot set with this interactive fractal generator
HotWired Java hacks
Impressionist, The
- A paint program that lets you create a painted representation of a photograph.
Java Applets []
Java Demo
Java Test Server
- Wall-Bounce Demo, Nervous Text, Sine-Wave Text Demo
John's Java Playground
- Derek2.0 visualizes bandwidth overload on his way in for a makeover. Makeup - Isabel X imagines a way for her fans to rearrange the colors and features of her face on demand, but she tests it out to be sure it doesn't work properly.
MK's Java Page
- Useful alpha and Beta (mostly) applets
Morgan Media's Java Stuff
Nervous Text
Nizze's Java Applets
- a very simple applet that draws a "no" sign over anyone else deemed a bad influence.
Page JAVA de JC Dufourd
Pat's Java Apps
Stones JAVA Lounge
- YO! Dis is da Lounge. Hangout wit da Stones.
Test Editeur
- display vector graphics from a file
Web with HotJava []