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- Association for Computing Machinery (founded 1947) is an international scientific and educational organization dedicated to advancing the art, science, engineering, and application of information technology, serving both professional and public interests by fostering the open interchange of information and by promoting the highest professional and ethical standards. Local Chapters
ATM Forum
- Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) standards and promotion group.
- Association for Women in Computing - National organization made up of women and men whose goals are to promote women in computing
- Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, an interest group.
- International Communications Industries Association - ICIA represents for-profit organizations and individuals who derive revenue from the commercialization or utilization of communications technologies.
- IEEE Computer Society Technical Committees (TCs) are networks of professionals with common interests in computer hardware, software, applications, and interdisciplinary fields. They serve as the focal point for the society's activities within a technical discipline and directly influence society standards development, conferences, publications, and educational activities.
Internet Society
- Internet standards and promotion group.
- Home to Internet papers, standards, and meeting notes.
- the International Association of Hewlett-Packard Computing Professionals
- the Technical Users Forum of Interex (InterWorks Local Chapters)
Object Database Management Group
- ODBMS vendor consortium .
Object Management Group
- Object technology standards and promotion group.
Open Software Foundation
- Systems Administrators Guild - It is a special technical group of the USENIX Association. Local Groups of Interest to SAGE Members
- Systems Administrators Guild of Australian SAGE-AU Regional Chapters Administrators Guild of Australia.
Sendmail Org.
- Find out about sendmail, bugs, FAQ's, Books....
SPARC International
- SPARC standards and promotion group.
- SIGGRAPH is the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics
UniForum Association
- Largest non-profit association for Open Systems and UNIX professionals worldwide...providing education, information and resources.
- The Advanced Computing Systems Professional and Technical Association
VRML home page
- The Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) home page.
X Consortium
- The X Consortium's WWW server.
- Open systems standards group.
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