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Books & Publications

An Introduction to Unix With X and the Internet - Paul S. Wang - An Introduction to UNIX with X and the Internet is an up-to-date introduction to UNIX that provides complete yet concise coverage of UNIX operating system features and commands. [REVIEW]

Bridging the Internet Gap (8th Edition) - Alfred J. Garrotto, Jamie Potter, Eli Potter, James E. Potter - The book contains a variety of real-time (online) activities demonstrating use of both a Web browser and the text/UNIX-based Internet.

Internet Unleashed & UNIX Unleashed - Unleash the power of UNIX and the Internet with this special package.

Practical Internetworking With Tcp/Ip and Unix - Smoot Carl-Mitchell, John S. Quarterman, John S. Quaterman - The authors explain what TCP/IP is, how it works, and how to use it to build practical and working network systems that are both extensible and maintainable.

Practical Unix and Internet Security - Simson Garfinkel, Gene Spafford - Crammed with information about host security, it saved many a UNIX system administrator and user from disaster.

Tcp/Ip and Onc/Nfs : Internetworking in a Unix Environment - Michael Santifaller - This second edition includes updated information on TCP/IP protocols, the RPC paradigm, comparisons between ONC RPC and DCE RPC, new protocols added to the RPC and NFS domain since 1991, and new commands and services for NFS administration.

Usenet Handbook: A Users Guide to Netnews - O'Reilly & Assoc. (Group)

Whole Internet User's Guide & Catalog - O'Reilly & Assoc. (ALCHEMIST) - this book unlocks the Internet's resources covering everything from the basics (electronic mail, news groups, and FTP archives, etc.) to the newest developments while avoiding use of highly technical language to make the text accessible to even novice computer users.

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