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UGU: Unix Guru Universe - Database Software Vendors - Home : Vendors : Software
Database Software Vendors

ACEBASE - Be a hero! Create data entry/reporting systems in minutes! Users can easily modify existing reports or create new report templates that can be saved and edited using our report writer.

AIT - Applied Information Technologies, Inc. - offers experience in relational database development with experts in Oracle, Oracle CASE, Unix, and C.

FirstBase Software - programs designed to create, manipulate, scan, organize, view, and format relational database and database systems under the UNIX environment and includes HTML/forms/CGI database tools.

Goldmedal - UNIX applications: E-Mail, Groupware Suite, Integrated and Stand alone office automation including relational database, word processor and 3-D spreadsheet.

Informix - Supplier of high-performance, parallel-processing database technology for open systems

Netbase - Netbase provides a low cost client/server SQL database for Unix.

Oracle - The leading software and services provider for the Information Age.

Polyhedra - An event driven object/relational database. Runs on most Unix platforms, VMS, Windows NT & '95 and pSOS+

ProActive Solutions - We are a full service system engineering firm. We have all of the pieces to solve your information system puzzle.

SQLweb - The SQLweb(tm) Interactive Server makes creating Interactive Database Web Sites easy with a generic CGI-engine that expands IF and CURSOR tags.

Sybase - One of the fastest growing suppliers of client/server-based software products and services for on-line enterprise-wide applications.

Visigenic - ODBC vendors for multiple UNIX systems.

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