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NCR Corporation --------------- The Americas (Central, North and South America) Central and South America Mary Gros NCR Latin America Area Office, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA, (954) 351-2308 North America Canada Please call David Neiman: 416.351.2195 USA Sales: Please call (toll free): 1.800.CALL.NCR (1.800.225.5627) ext.1000 Federal and State Sales Sales Support: On-line Assistance Center (OAC) - Pre-sales support and information: 1-800-746-4722 (For Resellers and End Users) 1-800-421-7942 (For Direct Sales Associates only) EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) NCR Vice President France Jean-Francois BADET Sec: Nicole GARNUNG NCR - 1 Square John Patterson 91749 Massy Cedex - France Phone: Fax: NCR Vice President CH Peter BROGLE Sec:Marianne BEUTLER NCR - Postfach, P.O. Box 8301 Glattzentrum, Z�rich - Switzerland Phone: 41.1.832.16.59 41.1.832.16.69 Fax: 41.1.832.17.00 NCR Vice President NE Edwards HEUKELS Sec: Ronny HEDGES NCR - Laarderhoogtweg 25, P.O. Box 22705 1100 DE Amsterdam Zuidoost - The Netherlands Phone: 31.20.651.2501 31.20.651.2253 Fax: 31.20.651.2826 NCR Vice President ME/A Chris PHYLACTOU Sec: Niki STAVROU NCR - 80 Limassol Avenue, P.O. Box 4794 Nicosia 142 - Cyprus Phone: 357.2.390.111 357.2.390.112 Fax: 357.2.424.460 NCR Vice-President Italy Osvaldo RE Sec: Isa GARLAPPI NCR - Viale Cassala, 22 20143 Milan, Italy Phone: 39.2.58160.261 39.2.58160.245 Fax: 39.2.58160.319 NCR Vice President Iberia Fernando REYES Sec:Marisol GONZALEZ NCR - Albacete 1, Apartado 190, 28027 Madrid - Spain Phone: 34.1.403.2846 34.1.403.2846 Fax: 34.1.405.0594 NCR Vice President UK Malcolm ROBERTS Sec: Nuala ROBERTS NCR - 206 Marylebone Road, London NW1 6LY - United Kingdom Phone: 44.171.725.8122 44.171.725.8414 Fax: 44.171.725.8269 NCR Vice President Central & East Europe Gerhard SCHISTEK Sec: Karin PUNTIGAM NCR - Storchengasse 1, 1150 Vienna -Austria Phone: 43.1.891.11.8000 43.1.891.11.8001 Fax: 43.1.891.11.2009 43.1.891.11.2010 NCR Vice President Germany Werner SULZER (E-Mail=Suelzer) Inge KETTENRING (Augsburg) NCR -Ulmer Str. 160, P.O.Box 100090, D-86135, Augsburg - Germany Phone: 49.821.405.313 (A) 49.821.405.237 Fax: 49.821.405.8342(A) Vice President Computer Systems Group, EMEA Dinos ASHIKALIS NCR c/o AT&T International, S.A. - 18 avenue Louis Casa�, 09 Gen�ve, Switzerland Phone: 41.22.929.39.43 41.22.929.39.92 Vice President, Financial Marketing UK, Northern Europe & MEA George BROWN Sec:Laura McALLISTER (Edin.) Sec: Andi WRIGHT (London) NCR - 2 Roseburn Gardens EH12 5PS Edinburg, United Kingdom NCR, 206 Marylebone Road, London NW1 6lY, United Kingdom Phone: 44.131.313.7001 (E) 44.171.725.8301 (L) 44.131.313.7002 (E) 44.171.725.8435 (L) Fax: 44.131.337.0652 44.171.725.8970 Vice President EMEA Retail Marketing Alberto CAMURI Sec: Silvana GANGEMI Maurizio LEFONS NCR - Via Lampedusa 13, 20141 Milan, Italy Phone: 39.2.58160.630 39.2.58160.631 39.2.58160.632 Fax: 39.2.58160.629 Vice President, Financial Marketing Central Europe and South Europe Javier LOPEZ BARTOLOME Phone: 34.1.404.0000x550 Fax: 34.1.403.1839 Sec:Angela POLIN (Madrid) Phone: 34.1.404.0000x553 Fax: 34.1.403.1839 (M) 34.1.326.7274 (M) Sec: Andi WRIGHT (London) Phone: 44.171.725.8435 Fax: 44.171.725.8116 (L) NCR - Albacete 1, Apartado 190, 28027 Madrid - Spain Madrid, Spain NCR, 206 Marylebone Road, London NW1 6lY, United Kingdom Asia, Pacific Computer Systems Group, NCR Japan Motoyoshi Harada 1-2-2, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan Phone:03-5561-8236 Fax: 03-5561-8247 Financial Systems Group, NCR Japan Morihiko Hosoda 1-2-2, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan Phone:03-5561-5557 Fax: 03-5561-8193 Retail Systems Group, NCR Japan Nobuhisa Ukai 1-2-2, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan Phone:03-5561-8133 Fax: 03-5561-8137

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