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UGU: Unix Guru Universe - FreeBSD Network Systems and Applications - Home : Unix Flavors : FreeBSD : Vendors
FreeBSD Network Systems and Applications

Aestiva HTML/OS - is an extension to HTML that adds on-the-fly capabilities to any Web site.

Aker Firewall - is a firewall solution which runs on FreeBSD.

Coyote Point System - makes Equalizer, a server management appliance and high-availability load balancing system for building clustered arrays of TCP/IP servers.

Cybernet Systems - produces the NetMAX line of Thin Servers and Professional Products for FreeBSD. The Thin Server Series consists of the FireWall (with Router), WebServer (with email and FTP) and FileServer (with print sharing).

Differential, Inc. - develops FileDrive, a suite of secure and extensible high-performance FTP file transfer client/server software.

HighWind Software - develops Cyclone, Typhoon and Breeze USENET server products are available for FreeBSD 3.0 and later.

IP23 GmbH - offers IPmeter, an IP mediation and accounting system.

Lilikoi Software - Ceilidh, from Lilikoi Software, Inc., is a bulletin board package for the World Wide Web, intra- and extra-nets that adds discussion forum capability to Web servers, including Apache.

NetCon Corporation - established in 1985 and with over 10,000 installed servers, is the leading supplier of NetWare compatible operating systems and Internet Gateways for standard UNIX platforms.

PolyServe - is a vendor of a high-availability webserver monitoring and failover utility for FreeBSD called Understudy.

Serengeti Systems - provides PC to mainframe communication packages over Bisync and SDLC lines. We support FreeBSD.

Shpink Software - offers the The Network Shell. The Network Shell provides for a Perl and Shell environment to allow you to perform secure automated and/or interactive remote administration of UNIX and Windows 95/NT hosts from the local host without the need to telnet, ftp, or .rhosts.

Stalker Software, Inc. - offers CommuniGate Pro, The Internet Messaging Server. Based on the Stalker Foundation framework, it employs the native services of all major operating systems including FreeBSD.

TriPolar Technologies - offer LynkStation, website software designed to increase the number of visitors to a website without all the usual work.

Web Crossing - by Lundeen & Associates, is a conferencing server for the intranet/extranet and World Wide Web providing discussion forums and chat rooms.

WebEvent - Matador Design produce WebEvent, a web-based calendar and scheduling solution available for FreeBSD web servers. - offers commercial web acceleration software for FreeBSD. JPEG Disk Optimizer is designed to run on a web server and either run in the background to compress all JPG images on a disk or to compress them as they arrive.

XGForce.COM - announces eCluster(tm) software. New Internet Clustering Technology is designed to cluster Intranet/Internet Servers into virtual groups, where server load balancing and fail safe is made possible.

Zeus Technology Limited - offers Zeus Server for FreeBSD. Zeus Server is an advanced, powerful, full-featured, commercial grade web server designed with exceptional performance, minimal machine resource requirements and ease of administration in mind.

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