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UGU: Unix Guru Universe - A/UX Utilities - Home : Unix Flavors : Software : AUX
A/UX Utilities

3270 Emulator - A 3270 emulator for A/UX... Now you can connect to your favorite IBM mainframe. From Eric Hagberg.

bbs 2.2 - Make your A/UX box a BBS server. Use the bbs v2.2 utility! Fully ported for A/UX. Provided by Jon Stevens (

cut-n-paste - Replacement version of A/UX's 'cut' and 'paste' utilities. Provided by Ken Whang.

fortune.tar.gz - Snappier version of fortune for A/UX. Contains fortunes from 'startrek', 'simpsons' and 'zippy'. Very nice. Provided by Phillip P. Porch.

JOE - Port of the JOE (a nice text editor: Joe's Own Editor) for A/UX. Requires a little fiddling with 'stty' and the fixed in.telnetd for it to work 100%. Ported by Michael Trent (

last - Replacement version of A/UX's 'last' utility. Main advantage is that it also prints out the hostname of the user process. Port by Jim Jagielski and Ken Whang.

layers_unix_1.30.tar.gz - "Latest" version of layers, ported for A/UX. Kudos to Matthew Martini (

lc.tar.gz - A nice alternative to 'ls'.

mpeg_play binaries - Complete binaries of mpeg_play v2.0 for A/UX. Ported by Matthew Martini (

mpeg_play (source) - Complete source for mpeg_play v2.0 for A/UX. Ported by Matthew Martini (

msgs.tar.gz - 'msgs' ported for A/UX. Includes binary and source. From Phillip Porch.



netlist - AppleTalk viewer - A neat little utility from John Dundas ( that is useful for looking at AppleTalk networks.

ntalk.tar.gz - Port of the "new" (BSD 4.3) versions of talk and talkd. The are created as "ntalk" and "ntalkd" so that you don't loose previous compatibility. Port by Steve Green (

p2c - cp2c hanges Pascal source to C source, so we can then compile with 'gcc'.

patch.bin.tar.gz - Ported copy of the 'patch' program. Included is it's man page.

Perl Binaries - Binary exucutable of perl v4.036 for A/UX.

Perl Source - Full source distribution of perl v4.036 to compile for A/UX

perl 5.003 - Complete binary package of perl 5.003 for A/UX 3.1(.1). Includes binaries, libraries and man-pages. This compile of Perl5 contains ALL Perl extensions. This build includes Tom Boutell's gd/GD "GIF creation" library Extension as well. Info about gd/GD can be found here.






SCSI ToolBox - A super-nice (and welcome!) extension that "implements" the Mac SCSI Manager under A/UX 3.0.x. This allows you to run applications and drivers that need to talk to the SCSI Manager to run. The main feature of this is that it allows you to listen to audio CDs under A/UX! Version 1.0b4 by Kelly King and Andrew Kass @ Apple.

term112.aux.bin.tar.gz - For A/UX, here is version 1.12 of 'term', already ported.

unzip.tar.gz - Package to unarchive zip files.

vtwm.tar.gz - Ported copy of Virtual TWM (5.1) for A/UX. Provided by Dennis Govoni (dennis.govoni@East.Sun.COM).

xntpd Time Server - Port of the XNTPD time server daemon for A/UX. xntpd is a full featured server that keeps you clock in sync with various clocks on the net... easy to maintain 20ms accuracy.

xv-3.0.bin.tar.gz - The X-windows graphics viewer, v3.0, already ported for A/UX.

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