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UGU: Unix Guru Universe - Security Articles - Home : Help : Security : Articles & Tutorials
Security Articles

21 Best Ways to Lose Your Information (Not-To-Do List)

Building your firewall, Part 1

Building your firewall, Part 2

Building your firewall, Part 3

Creating a basic padded cell

Curing remote-access ailments with ssh

Daemons on the Net

Deconstructing DoS attacks 3/2/2001 - Building Blocks to Security

Detecting intruders

Developing a security plan

Domain name hijacking

Down the rabid hole 9/1/2000 - Building Blocks to Security

Feeding the frenzy

Find out how vulnerable the Internet/Your machines really are...

Firewall design

Firewall and Proxy Server HOWTO (Linux) - This document is designed to teach the basics of setting up a firewall on a Linux based PC. Also covered is the installation and use of Proxy Servers to allow greater access to the Internet from behind a firewall.

Firewall Protection - The TIS Firewall Toolkit

Firewall technologies and methods

Hacker's toolchest

Hardening a Unix computer for Internet use - by Hal Stern

How secure are you?

How to Improve Security on a Newly Installed SunOS 4.1.3 System

How to proceed with executing a security audit. Improving the Security of Your Site by Breaking Into it

My System's Been Compromised...

Online privacy

OS identification 12/8/2000 - Building Blocks to Security

Random port

Security basics, Part 1

Security basics, Part 2

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Protocol

Securing your Solaris server

Security through obscurity

Setting up sendmail on a firewall, Part 1

Setting up sendmail on a firewall, Part 2

Setting up sendmail on a firewall, Part 3

Shadow Password HOW-TO (Linux) - This document aims to describe how to obtain, install, and configure the Linux password Shadow Suite. It also discusses obtaining, and reinstalling other software and network daemons that require access to user passwords.

Square one 10/6/2000 - Building Blocks to Security

Tapping on the walls 11/17/2000 - Building Blocks to Security

Tools you need to check and correct.

Tripwire: The next generation of security tools

Simple Digest Security Scheme

Ugly mistake for Pretty Good

Understanding viruses 1/26/2001 - Building Blocks to Security

Virtual Suicide - Exploiting this bug a hacker could potentionally crash every computer dialed into an ISP simultaenously

World Wide Web Security FAQ

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