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Headquarters ILOG SA 9, rue de Verdun BP 85 F-94253 Gentilly CEDEX France tel: +33 1 49 08 35 00 fax: +33 1 49 08 35 10 email: The Americas Headquarters for The Americas John Lynch Vice President, Field Operations-The Americas ILOG Inc. 1901 Landings Drive Mountain View, CA, 94043 tel: 800/for-ILOG (367-4564) fax: 415/390 0946 email: URL: US Sales Offices Mountain View - tel. 800/FOR-ILOG or 415/390-9000 Boston - tel. 617/576-5717 Chicago - tel. 708/416-1122 New York - tel. 413/477-0114 Washington D.C. - tel. 703/318-3132 Dallas - tel. 214/245-1250 Brazil Eduardo A. Cajado Choose Technologies Director Presidente Rua Alexandre Dumas, 1901 - 2 Andar - Bloco B CEP 04717-004-Sao Paulo-SP Tel. (011) 546-0246 Fax (011) 546-0164 Compuserve: 74144,665 Internet: Web: Choose Technologies Europe Belgium Mr. Pierre Jacques Managing Director DECIS Avenue Louis Bertrandlaan 100 A12 B-1030 Brussels Tel.: +32 2 240 07 90 Fax: +32 2 240 07 91 E-mail: Great Britain Mr. Steve Lacey Managing Director ILOG UK Ltd L'Avenir Opladen Way Bracknell Berkshire RG12 0PJ Tel.: +44 1 34442 6666 Fax: +44 1 34442 6664 E-mail: France Mr. Michel Delalex Directeur Commercial France ILOG SA 9, rue de Verdun BP 85 94253 Gentilly Cedex Tel.: +33 1 49 08 36 00 Fax: +33 1 49 08 36 10 E-mail: Germany Klaus Dambeck Managing Director ILOG Deutschland GmbH Postfach 5405 65729 Eschborn Tel.: +49 06196-400969 Fax: +49 06196-400910 E-mail: Dr. Peter Spieker General Manager INSIDERS Munsterstrasse 5 D-59065 HAMM Tel.: +49 238 168 81 39 Fax: +49 238 168 81 40 Mr. Hermann Bense Managing Director NEXUS GmbH TechnologiePark Martin Schmeisser Weg 12 D-44227 DORTMUND Tel.: +49 231 754 42 01 Fax: +49 231 754 42 11 E-mail: URL: Austria Klaus Dambeck Managing Director ILOG Deutschland GmbH Postfach 5405 65729 Eschborn Tel.: +49 06196-400969 Fax: +49 06196-400910 E-mail: Italy PRAKSIS (Mr. Marciano) Via XXV Aprile, 25 I-20127 Ispra (VA) Tel.: +39 332 78 21 64 Fax: +39 332 78 21 63 PRAKSIS (Mr. Enrico Bigatti) Via G. A. Boltraffio, 7 I-20159 Milan Tel.: +39 269 00 71 23 Fax: +39 269 00 73 20 Norway Mr. Per Spangebu Sales Manager Computas Expert Systems A.S Leif Tronstads plass 6 P.O. Box 430 N-1301 Sandvika Tel.: +47 67 54 11 11 Fax: +47 67 54 10 11 E-mail: Sweden ENEA Data AB Mr Mats Weidmar Box 4150 J�rgen Kocksgatan 9 S-203 12 Malm� Secretary phone number: + 46 40 660 98 00 Direct phone number: + 46 40 660 98 09 Fax number: + 46 40 660 98 30 ENEA Data Lena Elgcrona ( Box 232 Nytorpsv�gen 5B S-183 23 T�by Tel: + 46 8 638 51 62 Fax: + 46 8 638 50 50 Spain and Portugal Mr. Guillermo Vazquez Managing Director ILOG Spain Gobelas, 13 28023 Madrid Tel.: +34 1 372 9551 Fax: +34 1 372 9976 E-mail: Netherlands, Switzerland, other European Countries, Middle East & Africa Mr. Hugues de Ponsay Business Development Manager ILOG 9, rue de Verdun BP 85 94253 Gentilly CEDEX France Tel.: +33 1 49 08 36 32 Secretary: +33 1 49 08 36 31 Fax: +33 1 49 08 36 10 E-mail: Asia Singapore and Asia-Pacific Headquarter Mr. Bounthara Ing Managing Director ILOG (S) Pte Ltd 73 Science Park Drive #B1-15 Cintech I Singapore 118254 Tel.: +65 773 0626 Fax: +65 773 0439 E-mail: Japan Mr Shinya Kominami Assistant Manager BULL K.K. Izumi Nishiazabu Building 4-3-11, Nishiazabu, Minato-ku Tokyo 106 Japan Tel: (813) 3409 7501 Fax: (813) 3409 7502 Hong Kong Dr Andy Chun Hon Wai Principal Consultant Resource Technologies Limited Unit 140, HK Industrial Technology Centre 72 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852)-2319-2265 Fax: (852)-2776-8594 E-mail: URL: Korea Mr Seung-Do Lee General Manager POSCON CORPORATION Dong-Seong Building, 6 Floor 158-9 Samsung-Dong, Kangnam-Ku, Seoul 135-090, Korea Tel: (822) 561 5105 Fax: (822) 558 2060 E-mail: Taiwan Mr Scott Lin Technical Manager Axon Technology Co., Ltd 9F, No. 259, Sec. 2, Ho-Ping East Road Taipei Taiwan Tel: (886) 2-704 5535 Fax: (886) 2-754 1785 Indonesia Mr Daniel A.Rose Director of Operations GECI International (Representative Office) Lippo Centre Building 6th Floor Jl. Gatot Subroto 2 Bandung Indonesia Tel: (62)-22-303 802 Fax: (62)-22-307 136 Australia Dr Danny Tay ILOG Australia Level 50, 101 Collins Street Melbourne Vic 3000 Australia Tel: (61-3) 9653 9570 Fax: (61-3) 9653 9494 E-mail: URL: http// Russia DataX/FLORIN Dmitry V. KORNEEV Sales Manager 16-b, bld. 2, Volokolamskoye shosse Moscow, 125080, Russia Tel. (095) 158 9520, 158 8876 Fax (095) 158 5700 E-mail:

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