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Linux Articles

Alias Physical Files - 01/12/2001

Apache 2.0 Web Server Puts on New Threads - 07/06/2001

Biometric Systems - 08/03/2001

Byte Ordering - 04/06/2001

Cloning A Process - 06/22/2001

Command Aliases - 11/24/2000

Command Shell Options - 12/01/2000

Concurrency Concepts - 06/29/2001

Controlling File Permissions - 04/13/2001

Calling a File's Information - 07/27/2001

dl Library, Part 2 - 05/11/2001

Dynamic Loading - 05/04/2001

Error Handling - 03/09/2001

Event History - 02/23/2001

Generating Random Numbers - 03/23/2001

Get Ready for GCC 3.0! - 05/25/2001

Introducing Firewalls - 11/17/2000

Journaling, Part 2 - 07/20/2001

Journaling and Logging - 07/13/2001

Know your Scheduler - 03/02/2001

Legacy Code - 01/26/2001

Linux Databases Part II - 12/22/2000

Linux printing made easy, Part 2

Listing Directory Files - 03/16/2001

Memory Locking - 05/18/2001

Memory mapping - 04/27/2001

Network Administrator's Guide (NAG) - This is the reference on Linux networking. I'd advise you to save yourself toner and eyestrain and buy the book, but if you need a quick reference you can always hit this page.

Newsgroups - 01/05/2001

Obtaining the Current Working Directory - 08/17/2001

Passwd and Shadow Files - 08/10/2001

Processes and Threads - 02/09/2001

Scalability and Symmetric Multiprocessing - 03/30/2001

Shell Configuration Files - 12/08/2000

Software approach to clustering

Spin locks - 01/19/2001

SQL Databases - 12/15/2000

Syslog Continued - 11/10/2000

System Calls - 06/08/2001

Tar, Zip and Gunzip - 06/01/2001

Tips on reiserfs - 04/20/2001

uids and gids - 06/15/2001

Variadic Functions - 02/16/2001

Writing to syslog - 11/03/2000

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