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Continuus Software Corporation 108 Pacifica Irvine, CA 92718 Phone: 714-453-2200 Fax: 714-453-2276 Email the Irvine office. United States Central Chicago Office 1901 N. Roselle Rd. Suite 800 Schaumburg, IL 60195 Phone: 847-490-6032 Fax: 847-658-2271 Email the Chicago office. Dallas Office 14785 Preston Rd. Suite 550 Dallas, TX 75240 Phone: 214-789-5151 Fax: 214-789-5157 Email the Dallas office. Eastern Boston Office One Kendall Square Suite 2200 Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone: 617-621-1527 Fax: 617-621-1537 Email the Boston office. New Jersey Office 33 Wood Ave South, Suite 600 Iselin, NJ 08830 Phone: 908-603-3899 Fax: 908-548-8866 Email the New Jersey office. Washington D.C. 8300 Boone Blvd, Suite 500 Vienna, VA 22182 Phone: 703-848-9272 Fax: 703-506-1266 Email the Washington D.C. office. Western San Mateo Office 1400 Fashion Island, Suite 707 San Mateo, CA 94404 Phone: 415-341-6400 Fax: 415-341-6623 Email the San Mateo office. Seattle Office 10900 NE 8th Street, Suite 900 Bellevue, WA 98004 Phone: 206-718-2956 Fax: 206-688-1857 Email the Seattle office. Canada Ontario Change Control Ltd. 2700 Matheson Blvd East, Suite 401 East Tower Mississauga, Ontario L4W 4V9 Phone: 905-238-8300 Email the Ontario office. British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba Change Control Ltd. Suite 1010, Gulf Canada Square 401 - 9th Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2P 3C5 Phone: 403-571-2782 Email the British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba office. Quebec Change Control Ltd. 1550 Ampere, Suite 300 Boucherville, PQ, Canada J4B 7L4 Phone: 514-641-1891 Email the Quebec office. Europe France Immeuble Labrador 3, Avenue de Quebec Courtaboeuf Cedex 91951 France Phone: 33-1-64-46-03-03 Fax: 33-1-64-46-13-21 Email the French office. Germany Arnulfstr. 27 D-80335 M�nchen Germany Phone: 49-895904-7189 Fax: 49-895904-7200 Email the German office. UK The Ring Bracknell, Berkshire RG 121 HB UK Phone: 441 344 382 118 Fax: 441 344 382 158 Email the UK office.

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